Author: Mathew Eis

  • Windows 8-bit 256 color palette

    Some people like to say the internet is forever. Unfortunately, it’s not. I recently needed to track down a 256 color Windows system palettes from the Windows 95/98 era. In less than 20 years, the internet has all but forgotten what the color palette might have been. This is my best attempt at reconstructing it […]

  • JAVA Diamond Square Generator

    For a proof-of-concept GLSL shader I’ve been working on, I needed a random Diamond Square texture as input; a little bit of work yielded me this JAVA applet, which I then was able to easily fine-tune for my needs: Source Code: (Download)

  • Magic Triangle w/Kerberos in OS X 10.6

    I was recently handed the task of integrating Mac OS X 10.6 into our so-called Magic Triangle authentication environment. To make things more interesting, Macs here are treated as UNIX workstations, and thus not bound to AD. A quick search on Google yielded a long discussion on Kerberos support (or not) in Mac OS X […]

  • Distributing a single screen saver for 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6

    In an earlier post, I discussed some Xcode settings that would simplify creating a Universal Binary screensaver that would run on all three versions of Mac OS X. Since that post, I’ve run into some problems and had some feedback, and discovered additional possible problems and solutions. First off, there are a confusing number of […]

  • MAIL FROM vs From vs Sender – exploiting SPF

    After 10 years of managing computer networks, I still learn something new almost every day. This week I inadvertently discovered that there were many more ways of “identifying” the sender of an e-mail that I had ever known (or in this case, of spoofing the sender an an e-mail). Despite having multiple layers of SPAM […]